Så jävla skönt!!

I eftermiddag fick jag det besked jag väntat på. Fr.o.m någon dag nästa vecka är jag f.d arbetssökande. Jag är så jäkla glad så jag vet inte vad jag ska skriva. Återkommer senare.

Postat av: hasse hugg


2011-01-05 @ 15:54:12
Postat av: Angelica

Stort grattis till dig!!! Kramar Angelica och barnbarnen

2011-01-05 @ 16:07:31
Postat av: Sandra

Jag far gratta dig har ocksa! GRATTIS!!!

2011-01-05 @ 16:25:09
Postat av: Mattias


Jag är riktigt jävla glad för din skull!!!

Enträgen vinner!!!

2011-01-05 @ 16:36:53
Postat av: bengt


Från en legal f.d. Du höll väl masken och var lite cool när du fick beskedet. Inga tok-skrik eller andra överdrivna glädjeyttringar.

2011-01-05 @ 16:39:08
Postat av: uva

Gratulerar. Så jävla skönt. Måste kännas ungefär som när DIF slår förortslaget. Nu får ni fan ta och fira ordentligt. Hörs av broder. Hälsa Lena och katten.

2011-01-05 @ 17:30:47
Postat av: Rebecca

Vilken lycka pappa! Jag är så glad för din skull. Massa kramar

2011-01-05 @ 18:32:04
Postat av: Christer, Pappa, Piné

Tack för alla gratulationer!

2011-01-05 @ 21:19:44
Postat av: coach outlet

New research has revealed the do-gooders amongst us live longer than the meaner http://www.my-coachoutletonline.com, less charitable people.http://www.topoutletmalls.net

The figures also showed people who volunteer to help others http://www.coachoutletonline-malls.com have an increased lifespan than those who do it for personal satisfaction.

Scientists studied a random group of 10,317 college students http://www.coachfactoryonline-outlets.com from their graduation in 1957 until the present day.

In 2004 http://www.gogooutletonline.net, respondents reported whether they had http://www.cheapcoachbags-purses.com volunteered within the past ten years and how regularly.

Researchers found that four years later 4.3 percent http://www.coachhandbags-outletonline.net of 2,384 non-volunteers were dead.

A similar number - four percent - of volunteers with http://www.lvbags-louisvuitton.com more self-orientated motives were also dead.

However http://www.outletcoachfactoryonline.com, only 1.6 percent of those volunteers whose motivations http://www.coachwallets-outlet.net were more focused on others were dead four years later.

The study's lead author Dr Sara Konrath, of http://www.louisvuitton9.net the University of Michigan, said: 'This could mean people who volunteer with other people as their http://www.louisvuitton0.net main motivation may be buffered from potential stressors associated with volunteering, such http://www.louisvuittonoutlet0.net as time constraints and lack of pay.

'We recommend http://www.ca-coach.com that people pay attention to their reasons http://www.coachfactoryonline-outlets.com for volunteering, and try to focus on how their behaviour can positively impact others.

'It does not appear that volunteering for self-serving http://www.louisvuitton-outlet.ca reasons does actual harm, and it can still do your community good http://www.coachoutletonline-max.com.

2011-09-28 @ 09:44:11
URL: http://www.ca-coach.com/

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